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  • Why Discover? 🔎 Lyceum Bulletin by Martin Lindeskog - Issue #8

Why Discover? 🔎 Lyceum Bulletin by Martin Lindeskog - Issue #8

Have you heard about the philosophical concept called, the Benevolent Universe Premise? What are your thoughts on the things going around in today's world?

New Media

If I had to pick only one social media tool / platform that I would be "allowed" to use, I would say Twitter. I am planning to have Twitter chats on a regular basis, in the near future. I wonder if Trump will join the conversation? 🤔

Business Philosophy

As a supporter of the gig economy, I am glad to hear that Uber is standing up against the California Assembly Bill 5. Here is an excerpt from Jaana Woiceshyn's post, Kudos to Uber for resisting the gig work law:

The AB5 legislation has ramifications also for Uber’s riders (likely a large portion of California voters). They will be paying for Uber’s increased costs through higher prices and potentially, diminished availability of rides.

Uber, fortunately, is not taking the government’s initiation of force lying down. It is already altering its app to show that its drivers are independent contractors like truckers and free-lance journalists (who are also seeking exemptions from the law).

Good Life

Have you attended an event arranged by CreativeMornings, or been at a Meetup? Read about how Meetup started, in Scott Heiferman's post, 9/11 & Us. Learn more about PodCoast Potluck Conference, in episode 96 of EGO NetCast.


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