Lyceum Bulletin by Martin Lindeskog - Issue #2

On 2/2, with 22 subscribers to my newsletter, I thought it was time to publish another issue of Lyceum Bulletin! ;)

My goal is to send out a new issue once a week with new media tidbits, business philosophy related topics, and the good life stuff (including tea and chile peppers). Elsie Escobar's announcement on The Feed podcast, sparked the idea to start a weekly newsletter.

I will add a twist to the bulletin by including a short audio clip in English and Swedish, as a mini podcast episode. It could be a "behind the scene" moment, a shout out to a new subscriber, feedback on the content, etc. I will start with this feature in the next issue of Lyceum Bulletin. I am feeling a bit under the weather with a sore throat at the moment, so I will spare you to hear a soundbite of my wheezy voice this time.

New Media

How could you use old media in order to promote your new media content? How about adding a QR code to your business card? My new business card (with the Tea Party Media logotype by John Cox), has this matrix barcode, so I can get a "quick response" to my call to action: Please, sign up for my newsletter!

How about using new technology for sending out a personal thank-you note? Check out Bond! Hat tip: TWiT Bits.

Business Philosophy

On February 2, I celebrate Ayn Rand's birthday (1905-02-02). Here is an excerpt from Craig Biddle's post, Why Treat Yourself to Something Special on Randsday?:

Rand is one of the most important philosophers in history; and this is, in large part, because of her discovery of the principle that being truly selfish (i.e., rationally selfish) is the essence of being moral. This principle is one of the most controversial discoveries in history. It is also one of the most life serving. Giving yourself a gift on Rand’s birthday is a fitting way to celebrate the life, ideas, and accomplishments of the philosopher who gave the world this supreme value.

Good Life

I got a container of Patum Peperium (Gentleman's Relish) as a X-mas present.

Here is quote from the article, The height of good paste:

An Englishman, John Osborn, who was living in Paris, invented it in 1828 (although it is believed the Romans had a similar dish called garum made from fermented fish). He created the tart spread from a blend of anchovies, butter, exotic herbs and spices, and named it Patum Peperium - a Greek and Latin etymological mix crudely meaning a paste of peppers. (The phrase Gentleman's Relish was not incorporated into the name until the early 20th century. According to the company, the paste was so closely identified with the gentry, that people asked for Patum Peperium, adding, "You know, the gentleman's relish".)

See this Instagram photo by @lyceum • 16 likes

Stay Tuned

Listen to my latest solo episode (I Have a Message) of EGO NetCast podcast.

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