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  • Satellites🛰️🛰️in Cyberspace - Lyceum Bulletin by Martin Lindeskog - Issue #20

Satellites🛰️🛰️in Cyberspace - Lyceum Bulletin by Martin Lindeskog - Issue #20

Do you remember the moon landing in 1969? In the next solo episode of EGO NetCast, I will talk about the importance of setting up your own hubs (cyberspace stations) for you content creation, and then pick a few satellites to distribute your stuff. You should also "install" a satellite antenna 📡 in your lifestream, so you could receive valuable information. Talking about 1969, listen to The Fuzes's song, 1969. Connect with the artist (and my friend), Martin Dagger, on LinkedIn.

New Media

I mentioned The Economist's 1843 magazine in issue 15 of this newsletter. It will now transform into a digital version, and be found on The Economist's site. I tweeted to the editor, Rosie Blau:

Business Philosophy

Watch this video clip from The Wall Street Journal. I will write more about the situation in Hong Kong, in the near future...

Meet the 26-year-old who led the student wing of Hong Kong's pro-democracy Umbrella movement, co-founded political party Demosistō, was elected to office, and

Good Life

FYI: I will take a short social media break on my birthday, on May 25, after I have recorded episode 40 of Presentation (Skills) in Plain English, together with my co-host, Carina Ridenius. Talking about breaks, take a moment and read Jean Moroney's post, Keep Your Purpose in Mind to Keep Your Break on Track.

A personal call to action: If you want to wish me a happy birthday, you are welcome to send me a 🎁 gift, through PayPal. Thanks in advance! 🙃


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